DMA and Bridge Subsystem for PCI Express (GTY + PL PCIE4 + Soft QDMA, XDMA, AXI-Bridge) Integrated Block for PCI Express (GTY + PL PCIE4) Versal ACAP subsystems for PCI Express targeting GTY, PL PCIE4, and CPM4 integrated blocks Gen4x8 in "-2LV" Virtex UltraScale+ VU23P device Queue DMA Subsystem for PCI Express (QDMA) device support expansion Example Designs in XHUB stores - Versal Zipped Cached can be pointed to and need not be unzippedĬIPS (Control, Interfaces and Processing System) - Versal Ability to create and use Read-Only zipped IP Caches Run Platform DRCs during validation for platform BDs Add new Platform Interface validation DRCs Ability to identify Vivado Project as an extensible platform project during Project Creation and in Project Settings All output products reside in the project.gen directory parallel to the project.srcs.
BD/IP output products are no longer placed in the project.srcs directory. New directory structure separating sources from output products Petalinux is now a part of the Xilinx Unified installer in addition to the existing standalone installation offering. Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC: XCZU43DR, XCZU46DR, XCZU47DR, XCZU48DR, XCZU49DR
Versal AI Core series : XCVC1902 and XCVC1802 Vivado Design Suite HLx Editions 2020.2 - Date: Nov 24, 2020 announced the Vivado Design Suite HLx Editions 2020.2, enabling a new ultra high productivity approach for designing All Programmable SoCs, FPGAs, and the creation of reusable platforms. Xilinx Vivado Design Suite HLx Editions 2020.2 | 47.7 Gb